viernes, 13 de enero de 2012


What is a volcano?

 A volcano is a landform, usually a mountain where molten rock erupt through the surface of the planet.

Did you know that...?

The name volcano has its origin from the name of Vulcan, a god of fire in roman mythology.

There are three different types of volcanoes:

- Active: eruptions can be anytime and often.
- Dormant: has been a while since it has erupted, but could at any time.
- Extinct: it hasn't erupted in a very long, long time so it probably won't ever again.

Vesuvius, an extinct volcano in Italy
Some pics of the volcanoes we have talked about...
Kilauea is an active volcano in Hawaii
Pompeii (Italy)

martes, 10 de enero de 2012


When I am older, I want to be...

Think about it!
- a pilot                                               
- an electrician                                     
- a builder                                           
- an engineer
- a cook
- a cleaner
- a director
- a scientist
- a nurse
- a doctor
- a pop star
- an arquitect
- a farmer
- a dressmaker
- a mechanic
- a vet
- an actor
- an actress


What is your favourite sport:
- rock climbing
- rafting
- sailing
- water-skiing
- swimming
- cycling
- ice-skating
- surfing?

Don't forget to write your name!